Wednesday, January 4, 2012


This blog at the moment is in Beta. The idea is to give guys tips, tricks, and suggestions on meals for the occasion. Ladies this doesn't mean you can't get anything out my site but this is aimed at your boyfriend trying to make you a "home cooked meal" out of that blue box he has on the stove. The post on here will range from simple to "that boy good" to "that boy trying to get laid tonight." Every now and then I will have a healthy, cheap, or exotic post.

Men we need all the help we can get, so I am here to give it. LEARN TO COOK. Seriously women like a man that can take care of himself. McD is not impressive brah and Red Lobster works the first time but you need a game plan. In the words of Jay-Z "I show you how to do this son"


  1. This is the best freaking blog ever when it gets going. Also Nik Branch is a giant amongst us tiny humans. He wrote a book and its just awesome, called The Bible

  2. 1) Red Lobster is NEVER okay to take anyone on a date let alone go there period
    2) Red Lobster is not out of business?
    3) Nicholas = Anonymous commenter
    4) That boy good!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. 5) McD #12 & #13.....most impressive...........

  4. Red Lobster cheddar biscuits are ridiculously easy to replicate. Google that.

    Chocolate covered bacon is great as well! Who doesn't love chocolate OR bacon?


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